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Syringa Classroom

The Three Year Program



Each year of our infant/toddler program provides the youngest children a safe nurturing environment that meets their individual developmental needs. The young children cared for in this home-like environment are grouped together creating a “family”. This inclusiveness alleviates separation anxiety that can occur during the transition between infancy and toddler-hood. Enrollment in this program is carefully planned by age. Priority enrollment is given to families that intend on their young child continuing with our pre-k program. The children in the Syringa Classroom transition smoothly to the White Pine Classroom after they are toilet trained.



The young infant’s development rapidly changes. In addition to showing rapid development in motor skills, infants also show a rapid development in visual, auditory, social and cognitive skills. Through careful observation of the infant, the teachers become attuned to his/her natural rhythm, personality, and needs. The trusting relationship that is formed between teachers and infants help them make the transition from one developmental stage to another.



The toddler’s growing skills and competence are accompanied by the fierce independence required in developing their sense of self. The toddler spends a majority of their time learning to care for themselves including dressing, feeding, and personal hygiene. The toddler is also refining many motor skills and developing language and a sense of self. The teachers carefully prepare the environment to meet the toddler’s needs and abilities and present many opportunities for learning.



In their third year, the child’s rate of growth slows down. The two year old child begins to refine the many physical skills developed in the first two years of life. Their enthusiasm, confidence, and range of skills are supported to help them further develop the ability to plan ahead and predict consequences. The teachers prepare the environment to keep the two year old children safe while offering a place for exploring, developing and learning.


Our job is to support, assist, encourage, and love them enough to remember what is written across the forehead of every little child: 

Help me to do it all by myself!

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